Garden Gnome Guidance

Garden Gnome Guidance

In Florida it is best to start your summer garden in early to mid-February. Usually by that time, the possibility of a freeze or frost is pretty slim. The forecast said we were expecting rain all weekend. Therefore, it was the perfect time to plant my summer crops using RebelGardens seeds. Growing our own food is part of a lifestyle I hope to pass on to Frankie. Gardening is therapeutic and proven to treat stress.  Not to mention that anything you can grow in the soil is one of the best things you can put in your body. Additionally, in my opinion, watering the garden in the morning is a wonderful time to think about the day ahead and watering in the evening is a great time to reflect on the day past. Although I have not always been completely successful at producing all the crops I plant, it is important that I continue to devote time to the process.

After returning home one afternoon, from a bike ride adventure with Frankie, we had played at two separate parks. She was acting tired and hungry, so I offered to make lunch. She told me she didn’t want to eat, so I offered a smoothie. I use Legacy Series Blenders | Vitamix to make her smoothies so she will get all the nutrients her body needs in a yummy tasting fruity treat, hiding those pesky veggies and flaxseed. She will almost always drink one when offered. I told her we could sit outside and drink our smoothies so I could start working on the garden. Frankie offered to help. I thought it was a wonderful idea and retrieved her garden gloves and instructed her to start pulling any weeds she saw in the garden boxes. She caught one whiff of the compost barrel and started gagging. I quickly moved the barrel farther away, but by then it was too late. She was no longer interested in helping in the garden. She requested that she go inside and take a nap. Another fantastic idea, I thought. I took her inside and started to prepare her for a nap. We changed her clothes again; she changes outfits at least six times a day. She picked her pajamas and we put them on, next thing I know, she is melting down because they weren’t the correct pajamas. I offer to change them, and she doesn’t want to. I ask her to lay down and take a nap and then says she decides she wants to go back out to the garden. I explained that she should rest for a little while and then come back out to help me after. She agreed. I told her I would be out in the garden if she needed me, then I returned to the garden.

Shortly after, maybe ten minutes or so, Frankie came out wearing only panties and carrying her gardening gloves. She was ready to give it another go. “I finished my nap mommy; can I help you?” I was willing to let her help again this time, knowing the outcome may not be productive.  As I suspected, five minutes passed and she said, “I’m done gardening”. However, I was not done, as a matter of fact, I hadn't even begun. I started to think about the fact that it had been over an hour, if not more, since I set off on this pursuit. I had barely even gotten any weeds pulled. I spoke sternly and with frustration in my voice when I told her I was not finished. She got upset, threw her gloves down and ran inside. Once I realized how that must have sounded to her, I went inside to apologize. She was sitting on the couch looking at a book with a scowl on her face. I made eye contact, apologized and offered to read her the book. When she refused the offer, I asked that she try again for a nap. She acquiesced and headed to her room. I followed her and proceeded to get her settled in and she asked that I nap with her. Admitting that I was dirty from the garden and couldn't lay in her bed, she was not taking no for an answer. Que meltdown number three. At this point I needed to step away. I was frustrated, she was feeding off my frustration and stoking the fire. It was best that I step outside on to the garden to converse with the garden gnomes, hoping to learn how to handle this situation without making things worse for her, or me. I took three deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth. While calming myself, I can hear her still screaming and crying in the house from her room. “Guide her through meditation” is what I hear whispers from the gnomes.

Returning to her room, sit on her bed and ask her to close her eyes, breathe in through her nose and out through her mouth. In a calm voice, I asked her to imagine she was in the forest. Notice all the trees surrounding her, swaying in the wind. Listening to the wind in the trees, you notice the sound of a stream trickling over rocks. You begin to walk towards the sound of the stream. Feeling your feet in the ground, walking on the leaves and pine straw. You finally come upon the stream. You watch the water flow over the rocks and through the forest. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. As I continue to guide her through meditation, I notice her breath slowing. Her eyes no longer blinking, they are remaining consistently closed. She is calm, she is resting, and I can return to the garden. With the help from my gnomes, I was able to plant cherry and beefsteak tomatoes, two types of peppers, carrots, onion, cantaloupe, watermelon and every herb I have ever wanted. Stay tuned to find out what crops I yield as the garden gnomes help me once more.