Tis the Season for Croup and Christmas Tree Ticks

As we approach Christmas, things have gotten a little stressful. Not your typical holiday stress of hustle and bustle while shopping and trying to pick out the perfect presents. This year things have hit a little different. Holiday season is the time of year we try to make the month of December and Christmas magical for Frankie. We plan fun experiences and have guest visits to help bring on the festive fun. The first weekend in December, our city has a Christmas tree lighting with a parade, visits from Santa and Mrs. Claus, dance performances and arts and crafts. We also go to pick out our tree and decorate the house with lights and all the novel Christmas decor and music boxes. It helps us all get into the spirit of the season.

This year however, we planned to miss this activity to attend a wedding in Georgia. The wedding was being held in a barn on a working farm with animals and all. Frankie was excited to dress up and attend her second wedding, because she really enjoyed the first wedding, she attended last year in October. As we approached the day we planned to travel, the weather did not look good at all. Frankie’s Nana, my mother-in-law, asked that we not make the 4-hour journey as they had traveled the day prior, and the weather was stormy and just plain dangerous for driving. Although we were all looking forward to the wedding, we took her advice and made the decision not to travel. Frankie was not happy about this decision and had a bit of a tantrum. Shayne and I decided that if we attended the tree lighting ceremony, it would be just enough of a distraction to help her forget she was upset. We got on our bikes, as we usually do, and rode down to the town center for the festivities.

We decided to try and make it even more special, so we asked that Frankies best friend Maebz and her mom meet us there as well. We wanted it to be a surprise, so we did not tell Frankie and just let them see each other naturally. Within 30 minutes of getting there, just after we met up with Maebz and her mom, the police came over the sound system to warn everyone that the event was being canceled due to lightning in the area and a tornado warning. Needless to say, we had to move quickly to get home because we were on bikes and lightning was striking frequently in the area around us. I asked that Maebz and her mom join us back at the house, but her mom voiced concern about driving her truck in the rain because of her windshield wipers and other safety concerns she had about her old truck. So, we agreed to get them together the next day. Quickly, we made our way to our bikes and peddled home faster than the wicked witch of the East. Although I was concerned for our safety and very uncomfortable, I had to remain calm so as to not freak out Frankie. Luckily, we made it home just before the bottom fell out. It was a close call for sure. Maebz was able to come over the next day to play and all was well with Frankie for the weekend.

The following weekend, we had plans for Frankie’s Godmother to visit for our annual tradition of buying and trimming the Christmas tree. Angie has been joining us for this event every year since Frankie was born. It is such a special time for us all and we really enjoy having her with us for this tradition. After Angie arrived on Thursday evening, Frankie went to bed as she normally does each night around 8pm. However, the rest of the night did not go as it usually does. About 2am, Frankie called me and said she was having trouble breathing. I could hear her wheezing and barking cough, she has had this type of episode in the past. I did as I would normally do and steam up the bathroom, hold her and put a few drops of Peppermint and Eucalyptus oils in the shower to help the airways open up. I held her and rocked her trying to keep her calm. After she told me it wasn’t helping and I sensed concern in her voice, I decided it was best to take her to the ER. I would much rather be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to Frankie and her breathing. Once we got to the hospital, they took us back and put a blood oxygen monitor on her that read she had 99-100 percent oxygen, this was such a relief. The doctor told us it was croup, gave her an oral steroid and sent us home. Frankie slept with us for the remainder of the night and seemed to be breathing well with an occasional cough. As a worried mother, I did not sleep much that night. The next day we did a lot of resting and I made chicken soup with all my usual fresh herbs and ingredients specific to helping respiratory issues. This is my go-to remedy whenever anyone comes down with an illness. It is comforting, nourishing and healing.

Even with Frankie not being well, I wanted to continue our plan to get the Christmas tree. Especially since Frankie had to experience disappointment of canceling all our plans the previous weekend and our plans to take Angie to Deck The Chairs | Jax Beach Annual Holiday Music & Light Exhibit during her visit. So, I asked Shayne to go get the Christmas tree so that it would have time to settle, and we could still decorate it before Angie left on Sunday. In the years prior, we purchased our tree from Severts Tree Farm – Family-Owned & Operated Tree Farm and have had nothing but good experiences. This year Shayne chose the spot that Frankie said her Nana and Pop-Pop went to because they had rainbow candy canes, and she was hoping to get one. Also, it was closer to the house, which I am sure was the main deciding factor. After the tree had settled outside for a day, we brought it in and decorated it. Frankie really enjoyed helping me with the lights and decorations, the whole process went by surprisingly fast. After we were done, Frankie just laid in the chair and stared at the tree and its twinkling lights. Although she did not feel well, I think it really lifted her spirits and I was glad it was done.

The next day, I walked into the living room and noticed a very small beetle looking bug on the floor in front of the tree. I quickly grabbed a paper towel and picked it up only to realize it was a tick. I thought to myself, “that’s odd, maybe it came in on the dog.” Still, I smashed it and went on about my day relieved it wasn’t on the dog or Frankie. A few hours later I was walking in the door and happened to look down to see another tick. What the actual “bleep”! I walked over to the Christmas tree and looked on the floor, there were about 10 more ticks, big and small. Once I realized they were coming from the tree, I quickly undecorated it and got it out of the house. I then immediately gave both the dog and cat a bath and washed all the animal beds and blankets. I inspected Frankie and myself as well as the animals and much to my surprise no one had any ticks on them.

After all my years of having a real live Christmas tree, I couldn’t imagine ever getting an artificial one. Now, I am ruined. I don't think I will ever want a real tree again. When I told Frankie that we would have to get an artificial tree moving forward, Frankie said “but mommy, you don’t like artificial stuff.” To which I explained that she was correct however since we won’t be ingesting it, it should be ok. I explained that the ticks on the tree carry diseases, bite and suck the blood from animals and people. So now she has been telling people that we had to take down our tree because it had vampire bugs on it. Basically, we are living a true nightmare before Christmas.